Sunday 11 April 2010

Sartre's philosopy, that the self is "nothing" cannot ground any ethical orders because if we follow Sartre's train of logic, we have negated what is - in other words, our own awareness of what we lack, including unsatisfied desires and expectations, is not reality. Because of our own awareness, we have brought nothingness to the world. Sartre says that nothingness is the basis of all philosphical inquiry and according to his theory we are not part of any order because we can choose to withdraw from this order. Sartre argues that bad faith is essentially lying to ourselves, which is closely tied to inauthenticity and that both ideas are attempts to escape the truth of what we are as human beings.

The main problem that I found with this theory is that Sartre gives us no moral guidance if we wish to avoid bad faith and is problematic because we are not introduced to a way of finding good faith other than our own freedom.

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