Thursday 8 April 2010

The thought of existentialism may sound great to begin with - claiming that individuals are always free to make choices and guide their lives towards their own chosen goal or project. On the surface that may sounf applausible, but what about in such cases that you hear of in the news - the mother who starved her child to death even going to the extent of locking the cupboards preventing the child accessing food, what about the victims of rape and peodohilia....etc. What about the freedom of those victims, whose freedom is being stolen away in such cases, the childs basic freedom of food to satisfy their hunger, the freedom for protection from individuals who see children them as sexual objects for their own desires and needs, the freedom of the woman who's body is being used against her will.
In these cases is it okay to say the individual(s) inflicting the pain and suffereing on another individual (the victim), its acceptable for them to do so because it was their chosen goal or project and that they are free to make those choices - what about morality?

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